Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
The VX 820 DUET is a dual-user, feature-rich countertop card payment machine with functionality that…

Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
The Vx 810 DUET is a stylish, user-friendly two-in-one device, with the perfect combination of dual…

VX 690
Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
Verifone’s VX 690 is big on portable performance. With the latest 3G…

VX 680
Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
Carry brilliance and complete transactions in a small, portable, handheld device: the VX 680 Portable.…

VX 675
Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
The world's smallest, all-in-one, wireless handheld payment device comes with extra-large benefits.…

Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
With the right networking hardware technology and communications infrastructure, merchants can deliver…

Carbon Mobile 5
Brand : VeriFone
Type : VeriFone Electronic Payment Solutions
Best-in-class, single-screen commerce solution.
For tier 1 retailers, Carbon Mobile 5 supports…